Petar Leventić

About me ?

I am Petar, somatic coach and communication trainer.

I am certified in body-oriented coaching with the Somatic School in London.

Before engaging in coaching, I had a career as a professional actor, with a masters degree in acting. I spent many years working on stage, in front of the camera and other forms of public performances.

My theatre background and life experience in general support my approach as a coach and a trainer.

I find somatic coaching especially useful and rewarding for the clients because it includes the body in a coaching conversation, not only the mind. Emotions, sensations, movement, imagination, metaphors – all is welcome! Coaching with the whole body-mind, there is a lot more information, insight and wisdom that emerges.

Some of the practices that I use in my coaching are Focusing, Constellation, Contact Statements, Environmental and Object Feedback, Verbal Experiments, Embodying, Looping, and many more.

petar leventic coach bruxelles

I invite you to contact me for a coaching session if you:

feel stuck in some aspect of your life

feel overwhelmed or stressed out

undergo professional or private transition

need time and space to reflect

want to work on your communication

want to improve your personal or professional relationships

need fresh insights into something

desire to unleash your creativity

want to boost your self-confidence

have any other wish for change or transformation

Combining my experience as an actor with my coaching skills, I also offer trainings in verbal and non-verbal communication. Feel free to contact me if you wish to work on your public performing skills, prepare public speech, interview, communicate better and with more impact, build confidence and self-awareness needed for efficient communication.

I offer in-person and online sessions.

Pour plus d’informations…

Des questions ? Des doutes ? Fixer un premier rendez-vous? Nous sommes à votre écoute! Vous pouvez contacter le secrétariat chaque jour ouvrable entre 08h30 et 19h00, et le samedi matin de 09h00 à 13h00. Si vous préférez nous envoyer un message écrit, vous pouvez utiliser le formulaire de contact. Nous ferons de notre mieux pour vous rappeler dès que possible. Centre PsyCol Ixelles

Disclaimer : Le contenu et informations de ce site ont été élaborés avec la plus grande précision. Ce site Web et son contenu sont présentés à titre indicatif et informatif exclusivement et ne donnent aucune garantie sur les résultats spécifiques. Les résultats d’une hypnothérapie peuvent varier selon plusieurs facteurs et peuvent varier également d’une personne à l’autre. Centre PsyCol Ixelles

Petar Leventić Psychologue Centre Vitapsy Petar Leventić Psychologue Bruxelles cependant, enfin, malgré,

Petar Leventić coach bruxelles

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